Download LINQPad 4.51 (windows) Cracked Version FULL

Download LINQPad 4.51 (windows) Cracked Version FULL

Tired of querying in antiquated SQL?
Well, you don't have to!  LINQPad lets you interactively query databases in a modern query language: LINQ.  Kiss goodbye to SQL Management Studio!

LINQPad supports everything in C# 5.0 and Framework 4.x:
LINQ to Objects
LINQ to SQL, Entity Framework
Parallel LINQ
OData / WCF Data Services, SharePoint, and Windows DataMarket
Microsoft's ubercool Reactive Extensions

And that's not all - there's also specific support for:
SQL Azure, SQL Table Storage, Oracle, SQLite and MySQL
Microsoft StreamInsight
Microsoft Dynamics CRM
Third-party ORMs including Mindscape LightSpeed, DevArt's LinqConnect, LLBLGen, DevExpress eXpress Persistent Objects and DevForce
(Even old-fashioned SQL!)

Querying is merely a special case of using LINQPad. More generally, LINQPad is a C#/VB/F# scratchpad that instantly executes any expression, statement block or program with rich output formatting and a wealth of features that "just work". Put an end to those hundreds of Visual Studio Console projects cluttering your source folder and join the revolution of LINQPad scripters, testers, and incremental developers. Reference your own assemblies and NuGet packages. Script in your favorite .NET language with optional autocompletion and the entire .NET Framework at your fingertips. Experience the magic of dynamic development and instant feedback in the ultimate programmer's playground!

DOWNLOAD LINK (crack included)

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